
Hasare is project maintaned by @OutOfBoundCats

It aims to provide suit of simple frequently used tools at one location totally free.

Current Offerings

  1. 1. URL Encoder/Decoder
  2. URL Encoder/Decoder is a simple online tool that does exactly what it says, it helps decode from URL encoding as well as encodes to URL quickly, securely and easily. URL Encoder/Decoder encode/decodes your data without hassles or decode it into a human-readable format

  3. 2. Base64 Encoder/Decoder
  4. Base64 is a simple online tool that does exactly what it says, it helps decode from Base64 encoding as well as encodes to Base64 quickly, securely and easily. Base64 encode your data without hassles or decode it into a human-readable format.

  5. 3. Character Counter
  6. Character Counter is an effortlessly user-friendly online tool for counting characters, words, sentences, and spaces. It's completely free and provides essential information without overwhelming users with unnecessary details. Most importantly, it delivers results rapidly without requiring any data to be sent to a server.

  7. 4. Online Simple JSON Formatter
  8. Beutify your JSON data effortlessly with our user-friendly JSON Formatter tool. Beautify, validate, and organize your JSON code for enhanced readability and easy debugging. Format JSON online now for a seamless development experience.

  9. 5. Diff Checker -Your Text Difference Checker
  10. Your Ultimate Text Comparison Tool. Easily compare and analyze differences between two texts with precision and speed. Whether you're a writer, editor, programmer, or student, TextDiffCheck empowers you to identify changes, revisions, and variations effortlessly. Enhance your productivity and accuracy.